pony rog


Rog se odlučio vratiti u velikom stilu i to jednim od svojih legendarnih proizvoda – sklopivim Pony biciklom. Obnovljeni Pony moderno je oblikovan gradski bicikl koji preplitanjem tradicionalnih elemenata i suvremenog dizajna predstavlja dugu tradiciju i preporod Rogove robne marke.

Dolazi u nekoliko modela i u nekoliko odličnih boja, a trenutno na njihovoj stranici traju predbilježbe za prve modele koji se mogu naručiti po promotivnim cijenama. Moram priznati da sam oduševljena ovim redizajnom i lansiranjem sklopivih modela i da potajno maštam o jednom crnom Classic 3 Pony biciklu.

In 2017, Rog bicycles are back on the road with one of their most legendary products – the folding bike Pony. The refurbished Pony is a modern city bike, featuring a mix of traditional elements and modern design, thus embodying a long tradition and a revival of the Rog trademark.

The new Pony is available in different models and some lovely colours. If you want to get your hands on one of them, you can pre-order your Pony on their official page. I have to admit I’m thrilled with their redesign and the launch of the folding bike. The black Classic 3 model is on my wishlist.

pony rog

pony rog

pony rog

pony rog

pony rog

pony rog

pony rog
