Nedjelju smo proveli na Trakošćanu, u šetnji oko smrznutog jezera. Ne znam jeste li posjetili ovo divno mjesto zimi, no svakako vam preporučam da se uputite tamo jer zbilja izgleda famozno.
Za šetnju oko jezera treba vam nešto više od sat vremena, a putem ćete uživati u prekrasnoj prirodi i tišini. Totalni zen za punjenje baterija.
Ako razmišljate o kratkom izletu na Trakošćan, preko mog Booking koda možete uštedjeti 185 kuna na smještaju. Sve što trebate napraviti je bukirati smještaj preko ovog linka: Booking Ana.
We spend this Sunday at Trakošćan castle and made some lovely photos there. I don’t know how many of you have visited this special place in winter, but I would highly recommend going there because it looks amazing.
It takes more than an hour to walk around the lake, which is currently frozen so everything looks magical and so beautiful. It’s the perfect place to charge your batteries and just enjoy the nature.
If you are thinking of spending a weekend there, you can get a discount with my Booking code. Here is the link: Booking Ana.
photos: Sebastijan Kodba