U Rovinju nisam bila godinama, no i dalje je onakav kakvim ga pamtim. Poseban, romantičan, jedinstven! Prošli tjedan uživali smo tri dana u ovom neodoljivom gradiću s bogatom poviješću, a bili smo smješteni u jednom od najljepših hotela na Jadranu.
Luksuzni butik hotel Adriatic nalazi se u samom srcu živahne povijesne jezgre Rovinja i jedan je od onih u koje morate zakoračiti. Bilo da samo vidite interijer (i obavezno napravite fotku za Instagram!), isprobate najbolji doručak ili popijete finu kavu na njihovoj terasi s koje se pruža pogled na more i otok Sv. Katarine. Ako volite isprobavati delicije – njihov restoran Brasserie Adriatic s fokusom na francusku kuhinju osvojit će vas svojom bogatom ponudom…
Adriatic je jedan od onih hotela u kojem imate osjećaj da ste u nekom drugom svijetu, u kojem je sve uredno, ljubazno, mirišljavo i jednostavno savršeno. Mi smo bili smješteni u Grand Piazza Suite jedinici, veličine 46 m² s koje smo imali pogled na rovinjsku rivu i otočić Sv. Katarine. Soba je takva da iz nje ne želite otići – krevet je ogroman i nevjerojatno udoban, a kupaonica genijalno dizajnirana, s kadom u kojoj možete provesti sate i sate… Osim soba, hodnici su prava poslastica za ljubitelje interijera. Skroz su crni, sa zanimljivim umjetninama koje ih decentno krase (bacite pogled na H&M Conscious Exclusive post koji sam snimila upravo u njihovom hodniku). O predvorju, kafiću, baru i restoranu ne moram puno pisati jer je dovoljno pogledati fotografije i na Instagramu pronaći #hoteladriatic hashtag. Ovo je vjerojatno jedan od najčešće fotkanih interijera u Rovinju, mjesto u kojem je svaki kutak melem za oko. Svakako bih vam preporučila da si priuštite à la carte doručak jer slovi kao jedan od najboljih u cijelom gradu. Odlučite li se razmaziti u ovom hotelu imajte na umu da vam je u cijenu uključen wellness i spa centar te unutarnji bazen hotela Lone, besplatna usluga prijevoza brodom do otočića Sv. Katarine i Sv. Andrije na kojima vas čekaju vanjski bazeni i rajske plaže…
Tražite li mjesto na kojem ćete provesti opuštajući vikend – hotel Adriatic je idealno mjesto za vas! Sve detalje možete pronaći na njihovoj službenoj stranici: hotel Adriatic.
It’s been years since the last time I visited the beautiful city of Rovinj. Unique, romantic and charming – just like I remember it. Last week we spent three days in this historic town, staying at one of the most beautiful hotels on the Adriatic coast.
The luxurious boutique Hotel Adriatic is situated in the heart of historical city centre. It is one of those places you just have to see, whether it is only to admire their superb interior (snap a pic for Instagram!), have a taste of the freshly prepared à la carte breakfast or simply enjoy a cup of coffee on the terrace while admiring the view of the seaside and St. Katarina island. If you like to spoil your palette make sure to pay a visit to the Brasserie Adriatic restaurant serving French-inspired cuisine.
Hotel Adriatic made me feel like I’m in some other universe – everything is so sleek and pleasantly fragrant, simply perfect. We stayed at Grand Piazza Suite overlooking the seaside promenade and St. Katarina island. The suite itself is enormous – 46 m2, with a big comfy bed and an incredibly stylish bathroom. The suites are not the only ones so grand – corridors keep up with the exquisite style. They are painted in simple black which brings out the humble artworks (take a look at my H&M Conscious Exclusive post for which pics were taken precisely there). About foyer, bars and restaurants I don’t have to write a lot. Here the old saying ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’ couldn’t be more true – check out photos and #hoteladriatic hashtag on Instagram and see for yourself.
My guess is this hotel is one of the best interiors in Rovinj (and farther), in every corner, there is something different and eye-catching. My personal recommendation is to definitely treat yourself with their delicious breakfast, renowned as the best one in the city. If you are planning to stay at Hotel Adriatic, keep in mind that the price also includes Wellness and Spa centre of Hotel Lone, as well as an indoor pool. Moreover, free boat ride to the islands of St. Katarina and St. Andrew departing right in front of the hotel will take you to outdoor pools and dazzling beaches.
Oh, summer…
If you are looking for a perfect weekend getaway – hotel Adriatic is the ideal place for you. You can find all the details about the resort on their website: hotel Adriatic.
Thank you hotel Adriatic for having us. <3
photos: S.K.