Kraljica uličnog stila, dizajnerica Isabel Marant još je jednom pokazala zašto cijeli svijet obožava njezine kreacije. Kreirala je jednostavan vuneni pulover, dodala mu zgodan detalj – vezanje s prednje strane i tako ga pretvorila u najpoželjniji odjevni komad među trendsetericama.
Ubrzo su slične verzije izbacili brojni popularni high street brandovi, a puloveri na vezanje preplavili su Pinterest, Tumblr i Instagram mreže. Savršen komad koji možete kombinirati na bezbroj načina najčešće dolazi u sivoj, bež i crnoj boji, u verziji od pamuka ili vune, a dostupan je na brojnim webshopovima.
Neki od najljepših modela čekaju vas na sljedećim linkovima: Asos, Asos, Asos, She In, She In, Romwe, Romwe, Romwe.
The queen of street style Isabel Marant has once again proved why all women love her creations. She created a simple woollen sweater, added a chunky lace to it and turned it into the most desirable piece of clothing among trendsetters.
Similar versions popped in a number of popular high street brands and soon lace up sweaters flooded the Pinterest, Tumblr and Instagram… This cool piece that’s just perfect for casual combinations usually comes in grey, beige and black and is available in many high street collections.
Some of the most beautiful models are waiting for you at the following links: Asos, Asos, Asos, She In, She In, Romwe, Romwe, Romwe.
1. H&M, 2. Zara, 3. She In, 4. Joseph, 5. She In