19 sij LOVE: STAUD
Bivša kreativna direktorica branda Reformation Sarah Staudinger i njezin partner George Augusto imena su koja se kriju iza fantastičnog branda Staud.
Ovaj cool brand svojim je prekrasnim kreacijama u kratkom roku osvojio brojne it cure od kojih su samo neke Alexa Chung, Dakota Fanning i Leandra Medine. U aktualnoj kolekciji možete pronaći savršene komade inspirirane retro razdobljima šezdesetih, sedamdesetih i osamdesetih godina, koji odišu bezvremenskom elegancijom, sofisticiranošću i garantiraju onaj uvijek poželjan statement prizvuk!
Former Reformation Fashion Director Sarah Staudinger and her business partner/boyfriend are the co-founders behind Staud, a vintage-inspired women’s clothing brand.
This cool brand has quickly become a favourite of fashion it girls – Alexa Chung, Dakota Fanning and Leandra Medine. In their winter collection you can find some fantastic pieces that are inspired by the 60’s, the 70’s and the 80’s and look super elegant, sophisticated and really stand out.
photos: Staud