Nakit s potpisom Nine Kastens osvaja na prvi pogled svojim bezvremenskim, no istovremeno modernim linijama koje su vidljivo inspirirane suvremenim dizajnom. Njezin nakit savršeno spaja eleganciju i cool prizvuk. Klasični komadi postaju moderni uz pomoć malih detalja i čistih linija u srebrnoj i zlatnoj boji. Sav nakit se izrađuje u malim njemačkim radnjama, a naglasak se stavlja na kvalitetu i finu izradu.
Posljednju kolekciju koju je izbacila ćete obožavati! Izradila je 12 ogrlica s horoskopskim znakovima koje izgledaju savršeno. Ogrlice su izražene od srebra i pozlaćene su, a divni privjesci su napravljeni od pozlaćenog mesinga.
With contemporary design as the main influence, Nina Kastens brand stands for timeless yet modern jewelry. The pieces unite coolness and elegance. Nina’s collection features fresh new interpretations of classic jewelry themes, made of sterling silver and gold vermeil, and refined with lustrous freshwater pearls. To honor the quality and the craftsmanship, all pieces are handmade in small German workshops.
The latest collection is the one you will love. She made 12 necklaces with Zodiac signs and they just look perfect. The necklaces are made from silver and are gold plated, and the lovely Zodiac pendants are all made of gold plated brass.