Posted at 12:32h
in Fashion
DELFI je brend iz Los Angelesa koji potpisuju dvije prijateljice, Shushan Szakolczay i Jasmina Hadzimujagic. Njihove kreacije su sanjive i ženstvene, no istovremeno upečatljive i cool – stvorene da privlače pažnju.
Uvjerena sam da ćete se zaljubiti u njih na prvi pogled. Ja definitivno jesam.
DELFI is a Los Angeles based label designed by two friends, Shushan Szakolczay and Jasmina Hadzimujagic. Every item is dreamed up and created under ethical conditions in the city they love and call home. They make stunning clothes with a feminine touch, a statement note and a romantic vibe.
I’m sure you’ll fall in love with their clothes. I for sure did.