Cigno Classic bicikli dostupni su u šest kombinacija boja i namijenjeni različitim stilovima. Izrađeni su od najkvalitetnijih materijala u Italiji i upotpunjeni vrhunskim detaljima. Posljednji u nizu dolazi s prepoznatljivim aluminijskim okvirom i zlatnim detaljima koji ga čine nevjerojatno elegantnim.
Kožni detalji dolaze s potpisom Brooksa koji je sinonim za vrhunsku kvalitetu i udobnost.
Svoj Cigno Classic Gold bicikl možete naručiti na službenoj stranici: Cigno.
Cigno Classic bikes are available in six options, each with its own style. The use of finest quality materials, meticulous handmade assembly performed by highly skilled Italian craftsmen, combined with the exclusive details, offers an unmatchable product for design and manufacture. The latest one comes with gold details and it looks super elegant.
Leathers and hides are manufactured with artisan expertise: starting from the fine Brooks saddle to the grips with their sartorial tailoring that provides a comfortable and particularly pleasant ride.
You can order your Cigno Classic Gold edition here: Cigno.
( Cigno )