Ljubitelje analogne fotografije razveselila je novost koju je jučer objavio tim Lomography. U prodaju je naime puštena limitirana edicija Diana F+ fotića, kojom se slavi 10 godina njezinog redizajna. Diana F+ dobila je divan makeover i dostupna je u strogo limitiranom broju na njihovom službenom webshopu po cijeni od 89 eura. Ako volite analognu fotografiju i već dugo priželjkujete Dianu F+ u svojoj kolekciji, ovo je odlična prilika da investirate u limitiranu ediciju koja osvaja svojom kombinacijom boja.
Lomography are proud to inform you that they have released the newest edition of the Diana F+ as they celebrate the ten year anniversary of this iconic piece. It has been given a beautiful new makeover and it is available in very limited quantities from today. The Diana F+ continues to produce dreamy shots in original medium format and is certainly a favourite amongst the community. Originating from the 60´s as a cult classic the new limited edition is given a fresh appearance in a gorgeous matte red and pastel blue print, accompanied by a gold retro lens & strap. It’s available on Lomography website and it costs 89 euros.