S fokusom na boju i grafičku formu, australska umjetnica Caroline Walls stvara fantastična umjetnička djela koja krase brojne domove diljem svijeta.
Nakon što je godinama radila u svjetskim metropolama Londonu i New Yorku u poznatim agencijama, Walls se vratila u rodni Melbourne i otvorila vlastiti studio u kvartu Carlton North. Ženska figura glavna je inspiracija njezinih radova koji su nevjerojatno strastveni, senzualni i zavodljivi.
With a strong sense of colour and graphic form, Caroline Walls is a visual artist who creates work with a skilled and fluid approach to aesthetics.
Caroline’s creative practice has crossed continents from London to New York where she divided her time between working in large-scale creative agencies and furthering her art practice. Upon returning to Melbourne, Caroline has established herself as an artist in her studio in Carlton North. Focusing on the female form as her central subject, her work is passionate, sensual and seductive.