Nova kolekcija šešira s potpisom australskog branda Lack of Color inspirirana je europskim načinom života i dizajnirana za sve prigode. Kako bi proslavili svoju prvu kolekciju muških šešira, brand je udružio snage s genijalnim fotografom Brydie Mackom i izbacio divnu kampanju naziva ‘A French Lovestory’ u kojoj se pojavljuju Caroline Corinth i Fred Scahill.
U kolekciji možete pronaći neke od njihovih najpoznatijih modela iz prijašnjih sezona, ali i prekrasne nove slamnate šešire, retro kape i obožavane vojničke modele za stvaranje statement prizvuka.
Lack of Color’s new collection of hats is inspired by carefree European sun-lit days, but is designed for a multitude of occasions, to take you from day to night, ocean to snow and chilly adventures to sun-kissed afternoons with ease. To celebrate the launch of both a Men’s and Women’s collection, they teamed up with Australian photographer Brydie Mack to capture the essence of ‘A French Lovestory’.
In their new collection you can find some of our most popular styles from previous ranges, but also some popular straw boaters, on-trend vintage inspired sailor and military caps and an assortment of classic wool styles.
( Lack of Color )