Ako se ovog ljeta nađete u Zadru, jednu lokaciju obavezno stavite na svoju ‘must see’ listu. Riječ je o famoznom beauty pop up studiju poznate dizajnerske kuće Chanel, u kojem do 31. kolovoza možete saznati sve o njihovim beauty poslasticama. Bila sam jedna od svega nekoliko sretnica koje su imale prilike uživati u ekskluzivnom otvaranju ovog pop up studija, koji se nalazi tik uz Morske orgulje.
Fotografije sa samog otvorenja možete vidjeti na mom Instagramu, a u nastavku vam donosim malu verziju moje ljetne igre s bojama!
Studio je otvoren svaki dan od 9 do 23 i u njemu vam je na raspolaganju 12 Chanelovih vizažista koji će odgovoriti na svako pitanje, pomoći vam kod izbora make up-a i dati vam odlične savjete vezane uz šminkanje.
Inspired by the codes of the House of CHANEL, it’s first Fragrance & Beauty ephemeral creative studio in Zadar invites clients into the world of CHANEL Fragrances & Beauty so they can experience the creativity and expertise of the brand. I was one of a few lucky ones that were invited to the opening of the amazing pop up studio that’s open from July 25 the to August 31st.
You can see some of the photos from the opening on my Instagram and a small #PlayWithColors story that I did with some of my favourite beauty products below!
Where is it located? On the most beautiful location in Zadar – Sea Organ. It’s open every day, from 9 am to 11 pm, so make sure you go and see it if you find yourself in Zadar.