Mango je udružio snage s genijalnom Leandrom Medine, osnivačicom popularnog portala Man Repeller i jednom od najutjecajnijih mladih žena u svijetu mode. Leandra je odlučila u divnim kombinacijama iz nove Mango kolekcije otkriti neke manje poznata mjesta u New Yorku koja i sama rado obilazi. Neka od njih su New School’s Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts, najmanji muzej u gradu Mmuseumm, šarmantan bistro Jack’s Wife Freda i odličnu knjižaru NcNally Jackson Independent.
Leandra je zaslužna za kombinacije koje su totalno u njezinom stilu – eklektične, vesele i jako chic! U glavnom fokusu su predimenzionirani kaputi i sakoi, stilizirani uz jake modne dodatke.
The new edition of the MANGO Journeys series presents Leandra Medine, American journalist, and comedy writer best known for Man Repeller, an independent fashion and lifestyle website. With Leandra Mango explores some of the unique spots in NYC, such as The New School’s Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts, The Mmuseumm, the lively bistro Jack’s Wife Freda and the NcNally Jackson Independent Booksellers store…
She was responsible for creating the outfits for this chapter of Journeys herself. The combination of garments is characterised by the eclecticism that defines her. Highlighted garments include the oversized check coats and suit jackets, combined with maxi accessories.