U novoj Mango Journeys priči, ekipa je otputovala u New Orleans s poznatom trendsetericom i ilustratoricom Langley Fox. Divna Langley nosi neke od najljepših i najzanimljivijih komada iz njihove nove kolekcije, koje je stilizirala na svoj jedinstven način.
Kampanja i kratki video otkrivaju nam kreativnu i jedinstvenu Langley, ali i magičan New Orleans koji se pokazao kao savršena kulisa za ovu Mango pustolovinu.
In the new edition of Mango Journeys, their crew travelled to New Orleans with the famous trendsetter and illustrator Langley Fox. In their story, Langley wears some of the most interesting pieces from the new collection and styles them on her unique way.
The campaign and the short movie show us the imaginative and creative universe of Langley, but also the magical city New Orleans – which was the perfect setting for this particular Mango adventure.