Iz radionice modne kuće Gucci uskoro nam stiže još jedna genijalna poslastica. Riječ je o njihovom modelu Ace tenisice, koji u kolekciji za pre-fall 2016. izgleda zbilja senzacionalno!
Osim klasičnih bijelih, crnih i crvenih modela koji su ukrašeni prepoznatljivim logom i simpatičnim prišivcima, Alessandro Michele u kolekciju je ubacio i dva šarena modela za kojima će sigurno poludjeti sve ovisnice o njegovim bajkovitim kreacijama. Kolekcija u prodaju stiže sredinom svibnja.
It seems like Gucci has become the fashion iteration of Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory! The latest addition to their plethora of fabulous accessories is the brand’s classic Ace trainer, which has been re-imagined for the 2016 Pre-Fall collection and it looks absolutely sensational.
Besides the seminal white, black and red colour variations embossed with the Gucci logo and the classic red and green stripe, Alessandro Michele added a touch of his own signature via two pairs of multicoloured models which I’m sure will attract the attention of all those girls and boys in love with Michele’s version of the brand. The collection will be available in May.